How to Look Thinner Instantly Without Harsh Diets
Look thinner instantly through clothes by knowing where your problems areas are. Are you overweight in one area but not another? In the places where the extra fat is, try to cover that up with darker colors. Dark colors suck as black and brown are very effective at making the body park look thinner than it actually is. Wear lots of black. Black is a very good color for people on the heavier side. It will hide the fats on your body.
When you are heavy on top, look thinner instantly by avoiding horizontal stripes on any tops. These stripes will make you look seriously oversized and exaggerate your upper body by many folds. Thinner stripes that are made of dark colors can be worn, but be sure to avoid those that have thicker light stripes. You will looker thinner instantly with vertical striped shirts and t-shirts. Vertical stripes will elongate your figure and make you look smaller.
Look thinner instantly by avoiding bright colors. Brighter colors will make you look twice as big. These colors tend to catch the eye and make you stand out. Lose weight now visually with darker colors. That does not mean you have to wear black as the whole outfit, use dark colors to look thinner by wearing it at your problem areas.
You will look thinner instantly with the right fit. Contrary to popular beliefs that baggy cloth will cover your fat. Bigger than normal clothing will only make you look even fatter than you actually are. Choose clothing that fit you regularly in order to look thinner.
Look thinner instantly by wearing heals whenever possible. Because heals will elongate your body and when you appear taller it makes you look thinner.
You should de-emphasize the hips by wearing straight leg or boot cut jeans. Wearing the right kind of jeans is very effective at hiding a big butt. For those with serious booty, it is very important to choose a pair of jeans that stretch which means it contains spandex. There are some companies online that offer custom made jeans. They will take your measurements and make a pair of jeans that fits you. Jeans that fit will make you lose weight now the moment you wear it. Remember, jeans are your best friend that will make you look thinner.