How to Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry
Eat more fiber. Fiber provides bulk and makes you feel fuller faster. Whole wheat breads and grains provide fiber, but for weight loss should be eaten in moderation. It is best to get fiber from vegetables and fruits. Carrots, corn, and high sugar fruits like apples, oranges, watermelon, and grapes should be kept to a minimum. Instead, go for lettuce, cucumbers, pineapple, peaches and cantaloupe.
Eat high-fiber soups. Researchers have found that if you eat a bowl of soup at the beginning of a meal, you will eat less and be likely to lose weight. Now, if your goal is to lose weight, you have to make sure that soup is low in fat and calories. So no broccoli and cheese or French onion! Go with vegetable based soups like meatless vegetable, tomato (low-fat), butternut squash or carrot soups.
Eat several small meals. If you eat breakfast and then eat again every three hours for five or six meals, you can eat smaller meals and eat again before you get hungry. This will also speed up your metabolism and help you to lose weight. Eat a decent breakfast. Then three hours later, eat a "snack" of half of what you would have had for lunch. Then eat the other half three hours later for lunch. Do the same for dinner.
Make sure that every meal has a balance of protein and carbohydrates.