How to Lose Weight on a Low Glycemic Index Diet
Things You'll Need
- willpower
- list of foods low on glycemic index
If you are going to lose weight by following a low glycemic index diet, make sure that you are committed to it. If you eat an item that is high on the glycemic index, you will spike your blood sugar and may have irresistible cravings. So no cheating!
Be aware that you will not be eating sugar on this diet. Sugar withdrawal may happen, but should go away within a week or two.
Find a website that lists which foods are low on the glycemic index (GI) and which are high GI. Avoid high GI foods. If you want to lose a lot of weight, eat medium GI foods in very limited amounts.
Keep in mind that even though nuts and cheese are low GI foods, they are very calorie dense. They are allowed on a low glycemic diet, but only in small quantities.
You can always eat plenty of lean meat (although not any that are processed with honey or sugar)and nonstarchy vegetables. Beans are a good food to add in as well. Eat grains such as oats in moderation.
If you feel food cravings start to return, look at what you are eating. Grains are most likely to cause cravings to return, and are not as low glycemic as green vegetables and meat. Fruits should also be eaten in moderation.
Eat plenty of berries. They are very low glycemic, and satisfy a sweet tooth! Blackberries and blueberries are the best ones to eat on this diet.
Plan ahead. Many restaurants do not have low glycemic foods, for example. Plan to eat at a Mexican restaurant (avoid the rice, have the meat and beans) and keep a low GI snack such as almonds with you at all times so that you don't give into the urge to go through the drive thru.
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