How to use the Wii Fit to lose weight
Things You'll Need
- Wii
- Wii Fit
The first thing you will need is the Wii and the Wii Fit. These can be bought At Wl-Mart or Circuit City.
This game/exercise system is great. It includes Yoga for core strength, Aerobics for fat burning, strength training for building lean muscle mass, balance games to help with your balance and your core muscle groups.
Set up your character using your height and age. The Wii Fit will do the rest. The Wii fit will weigh you daily and let you know your progress. You can set your target goal weight and the amount of time to lose the weight.
To lose weight, concentrate heavily on the aerobics. These are exciting and interactive to keep you from getting bored. (say good-bye to the treadmill) In the Aerobics you will have, jogging in place, Hula Hoops, Step Aerobics and more! Getting ready to burn those calories.