How to Use Xenical
Find out your Body Mass Index (BMI). Your body mass index is determined from your height and weight. Utilizing an online BMI calculator, such as the one found on the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute website, can make finding your BMI a simple process. Just enter your height and weight. If your BMI is under 24.9 then you are considered a normal weight or possibly underweight, and would not be a good candidate for Xenical. This medication is meant for a person whose BMI is higher than 27 and at risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Evaluate if Xenical is the right choice for you. This is not a medication that is meant for casual dieters or those looking to lose only a few pounds. It is intended for people who have slow metabolisms or other genetic reasons they have trouble losing body fat, and are ready to start a new fitness and diet program but still need the help of a dietary aid. Xenical inhibits your body from absorbing as much fat as it would on its own, and so while it will not magically help you lose weight, if utilized properly with a nutrition and exercise program, it should help you drop pounds you couldn't before.
Visit your doctor to see if she will prescribe Xenical for you. This is a prescription-strength medication and must be prescribed by a doctor. It is important that you give your physician your entire medical history, as well as all weight loss techniques you have tried in the past and the results you experienced. She will want to see your nutrition and exercise plans to make sure you will maintain a proper program to work with Xenical in order to actually lose weight.
Start taking your Xenical. The medication comes in 120 mg capsules and should be taken at every meal during the day that contains at least 30 percent fat. The best diet programs to use with Xenical include three normal-size meals a day, divided among the number of calories you must eat to maintain proper health. If you skip meals or eat meals with little to no fat in them, you do not have to take Xenical at that time. Because of how Xenical interacts with your digestive system and your body, it is important to take a multivitamin daily, as well, to ensure your body gets the proper nutrition.
Watch for any negative reactions or side effects. Like any medication, there can be side effects with Xenical. These usually will involve your bowel movements, as the drug is so closely related to your digestive system. You may experience oily or irregular bowel movements, or find that the frequency has increased. If you suffer from any severe side effects such as frequent diarrhea, nausea, headache, or flu-like symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away.