About Caffeine Pills
Some people take caffeine pills as a weight loss supplement due to caffeine's role as also being a mild appetite suppressant: this could mean less food is consumed throughout the day.
Caffeine can also increase the heart rate, so physical over exertion is not recommended.
Caffeine pills are over the counter stimulants that are small white caplets that come in small bottles or packages. They are usually sold over the counter at drug stores, mass merchants and party stores. They are recommended to be taken orally according to the recommended dosage and also with water. Each pill contains around 200 or more grams of caffeine which is the equivalent of drinking two, eight-ounce caffeinated coffees or caffeinated sodas.
There are many misconceptions about how caffeine pills work. Some believe that caffeine pills are like candy because they are sold next to gum and sweets at many stores. Many young adults are not educated on the side effects and risk factors involved with taking caffeine pills. It is very easy for many people to over consume by not reading the safety precautions on the product or by not considering the other foods and drinks they consume which may also contain caffeine.
There are some risk factors involved when taking caffeine pills. Because of the high dosage of caffeine that the pills carry they can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. While for most people, an added boost of caffeine in the blood stream will create a temporary increase in awareness to one's surroundings which is a frequent choice for students who desire to stay up all night studying for a test.
For some, if they have underlying conditions such as hypertension, heart disease or caffeine sensitivity; the sudden boost of caffeine in the blood stream can cause a significant rise in blood pressure, produce irregular heart beats and in some cases even cause a stroke.
By also adding large amounts of foods that contain caffeine such as chocolate or sugar, the combination of the food and taking caffeine pills may lead to an accidental overdose which will require emergency care.
Drinking beverages such as caffeinated soda, energy drinks and caffeinated coffee in combination with the pills can also lead to overdose and pose a serious health risk to the body.
The benefits to using caffeine pills are that they can make the mind think sharply, which helps many people such as students and truck drivers stay awake and keep their mind focused on tasks at hand.
Caffeine can also be used as a mild appetite suppressant, therefore helping some people lose weight by not eating as often, although this is not recommended. Caffeine pills are usually cheaper than having to buy several bottles of caffeinated drinks to keep energy levels up so the convenience is also what attracts most people.
The effects of taking a caffeine pill can be both beneficial and non-beneficial. It can be beneficial if a healthy person uses it occasionally as a pick-me-up and does not abuse the pills.
Taking caffeine pills can be non-beneficial if one is using the pills to try to lose weight on an ongoing basis. This could lead to an eating disorder and block vital nutrients from entering the body.