How to Lose Holiday Weight Gain
Avoid as many of the processed foods as you can. Not only are they high in calories, they are full of salt and fat.
Use your counter-top grill. It is fast and easy to create delicious, healthy meals in minutes. Grilling or broiling your meat is a great way to get the protein your body needs, without adding all the calories of frying or other cooking methods.
Cut down on carbohydrates to help boost your weight loss. Keep your salads and meats, but try to cut back on pasta, bread and rice. This does not have to be permanent. You can start adding the carbs back into your diet in moderation when you reach your weight loss goal.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Did you know that it takes more calories to chew celery than what is actually in the celery? Fruits and vegetables are often not our favorites, but the nutrients found in these foods will help reduce the risk of many diseases, while helping to ease your hunger as well.
Be careful with what you drink. Many sodas, sports drinks and flavored waters are high in sugar and calories. Consider water, unsweetened teas, and if you must, diet sodas. Many people do not realize the large amount of calories consumed each day by beverages alone.
Give yourself a free day to indulge in that piece of chocolate or pizza. If you continually deny yourself the foods you love, it will make you resentful and ultimately lead to weight gain. Keep your portions small, however, because now is not the time to polish off the chocolate cake.
Get moving. Even a 20-minute walk once a day will help boost your metabolism and release your body’s endorphins. If you cannot find the time to walk for 20 minutes once a day, break it up into two 10-minute walks. Any exercise will help you move towards your weight loss goal.