How to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Through Dieting
Diet, Count Calories, Work Out, Rest
Follow a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. It's important to tap natural sources of energy. Foods like vegetables, berries, salmon, tea, lean proteins and plenty of oranges and apples can keep natural energy flowing throughout the body. Low-fat yogurt with oatmeal and honey and a side of bananas makes for a great power breakfast or snack. Chicken breasts and steamed vegetables, sliced tomatoes with tuna, or salmon are all healthy dinner items. Design a healthy diet and stick to it throughout your workout plan.
Keep track of your calorie intake, whether your goal is simply to lose fat and gain lean muscle, or to make massive muscle gains and increase body size. Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps is said to eat more than 10,000 calories of junk food a day. The exceptional shape he maintains is due to the amount of calories he burns. A diet that's high in protein and based on the consumption of organic foods high in essential vitamins but low in carbohydrates can supplement your workout regimen with vital energy without the fatty carbohydrates. It is also very important that you burn calories every day, but as long as you maintain a diet that is high in protein and low in fat, it is not mandatory that you burn more calories than you take in, since you are still trying to gain muscle. In fact, if you stick to a diet that only includes the foods listed in Step 1 (combined with a good workout regimen), even consuming an excessive amount of calories would still be giving you entirely vital nutrients.
Understand that working out is equally as important as your diet. Even if you fail to keep track of your calorie intake and how many calories you burn, maintaining a consistent workout schedule is vital to molding your body into the desired shape. Cardiovascular workouts, as well as lean-muscle exercises involving 15 to 25 repetitions for all parts of the body, will ensure that all of the nutrients you ingest are put to good use in muscle growth.
Get your rest. Whenever muscle is cut, it needs time to rejuvenate. Rest and protein are the only factors that can assist in this. Remember that the more protein you eat, the less sore you will be from your workouts and the faster your body will heal. As a rule, bodybuilders tend to eat 2g of protein a day for every pound they weigh. You will not need to take in this much protein unless your workout plan is very intense. The muscle gain and fat loss are entirely up to you and how disciplined you are willing to be. Stick to the plan drawn for you, and you should start seeing gains within the first 3 weeks.