How to Eat Chocolate to Lose Weight
To consider chocolate as a healthy addition to your diet you must first understand its effects on the body. Dark chocolate and semi sweet chocolate are sources of monounsaturated fat. This kind of fat, often known as a MUFA, has a positive impact on the body and has been proven in studies to cause more weight loss than a typical low fat diet. Monounsaturated fats have a different chemical composition than other fats and take on a liquid state at body temperature. So where other fats have a hardening effect on the liver and cause clogging of the arteries with fat, the MUFAs actually soften the liver allowing for it to better do its job of excreting the bad stuff from our bodies. Without the MUFA's help, those toxins and fats grab hold and do not get eliminated from the body, thus forming fat which results in a widened midsection. As a bonus, monounsaturated fats also promote LDL (the good cholesterol) which hunts down HDL (the bad cholesterol) and quickly ushers it to the liver where it can be excreted most efficiently.
Add a serving of dark or semi sweet chocolate to every meal. A serving is equivalent to 1/4 cup. The monounsaturated fat from the chocolate will make sure that your food processes efficiently.
Eat 4 or 5 small meals per day, rather than 3 larger meals. Smaller meals are easier for the body to digest and more frequent food gives the body a constant energy source. To reduce belly fat and tighten up the waist line you don't have to count calories or make any changes other than the addition of the dark or semi sweet chocolate.If you have a bigger weight loss goal, reduce calories as well as some splurges from your diet such as soda or chips.
Exercise for 30 minutes per day for maximum results. Adding the chocolate will reduce fat around the midsection even without working out, but exercise is recommended in any case for added health benefits.