How to Lose Weight After Forty
Eat dinner early . Yes, that’s not always possible. It is usually possible to eat before 7 o'clock in the evening, though. You should find that you will slowly start dropping the weight.
Resist fast food dining. You have twice the obligations you had when you were younger. Finding time to prepare a healthy meal is challenging at best. With days' worth of fat and carbohydrates packed into a fast food burger that won’t satisfy you anyway, it’s worth it to “just say no.” If you must eat on the fly, opt for a salad.
Drink water. Sodas are extremely high in sodium and sugar. This may not have had much of an impact on your weight when you were younger. Continue to drink them after 40, and you will notice a subtle weight gain as time goes on. Discard them. Instead, reach for refreshing, hydrating and calorie free water.
Exercise. It can’t be stressed enough. It is important to include weights or resistance training to your work out, especially if you are a woman. Weight training will improve bone density as well as muscle tone. Brisk walks or a short cardiovascular work out at least three times a week will also keep your heart healthy. You will find that you have more energy. The boost in your metabolism will make losing weight after 40 much easier.
Get plenty of rest. Deprive yourself of sleep, and your hormones will be tricked into telling your brain that you are hungry. Proper amounts of sleep will regulate hormone levels in your body. You'll find yourself losing weight easily if you get your beauty sleep.