How to Lose Weight (the Old Fashioned Way)

This article is for people who want to lose weight and have fun doing it. Many people struggle day after day with weight problems. Maybe if losing weight were more fun, then more people would be able to shed those pounds. Here are five (5) tips that may help make losing weight more enjoyable.

Things You'll Need

  • Goals
  • A Partner
  • Rewards
  • Camera
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      1. I need to get a weight loss partner. If I am going to lose weight, then I need help. I am going to find one of my fat friends to help me lose weight. I will pick someone with a sense of humor.

    • 2

      2. I am going to take pictures of myself. Maybe, just maybe, if I see some progress over time, I will be more motivated. I will take a picture this month and then another picture in 3 months. I want to see a big difference.

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      3. I am going to reward myself at the end of the month. I will pick my favorite food and eat it after losing a set number of pounds. I like pizza. So I will have a hot slice of pizza with sausage after I lose, let's say, 5 pounds.

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      4. I will exercise to my favorite music. I love music and listening to more music will get my moving and the fat burning. I will walk and listen to music and groove to my beats! Burn the fat! Listen to music!

    • 5

      5. Finally I am going to find some clothes that I used to love to wear and cannot because of weight. I will fit into that dress or those jeans. I will lose weight. I will have fun. I will get control of this part of my life and have fun doing it.

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