How to lose 18 pounds in 9 days
At the end of the 9 days, if you follow the steps correctly, you will have lost up to 18 pounds.
Things You'll Need
- rice supply for 3 days
- chicken supply for 3 days
- apples supply for 3 days
Basically, this diet is about focusing on one type of food and eating it during 3 days straight, only that specific food with nothing else. The more you follow these instructions the more weight you'll lose.
From day 1 to 3 you will only eat rice. Boil it with a little salt if you want and nothing else. You can eat it as much as you want at any time of the day, eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner with no restrictions.
Day 4 to 6 it's all about chicken. You can boil or grill the chicken. Do not eat the skin, and no extra condiments. Drink lots of water and eat as much chicken as you want. For breakfast, lunch and dinner with no restrictions.
Days 7 to 9 should be the hardest. You can only eat apples for 3 days. Any time as much as you want to. You can cook it somehow or eat it as it is. Drink lots of water.