How to Lose Weight Without Working Out
Things You'll Need
- Daily multivitamin
How to Lose Weight Without Working Out
Take a daily multivitamin. Work with your doctor to make sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals that you need. Because you will need to cut your calorie intake dramatically in order to continue to lose weight without a regular workout, you need to insure that you still are getting all the vital nutrients.
Replace breakfast with a nutritious protein or meal replacement shake. This will help make sure you get enough energizing calories to start your day without adding in excessive carbohydrates that are in most breakfast cereals, toast and other classic morning meals.
Eat carbohydrates before 1 PM.Carbohydrates give you energy, but they are also one the easiest things for your body to turn into fat. Avoiding carbs after lunch gives your body time to burn up the carbohydrates that you ate early in the day.
Avoid sugar entirely. If you must sweeten something, use a sucralose-based sweetener instead of the real thing. When you are not exercising, your body automatically stores glucose and turns it into fat instead of using it for energy.
Cut your portions in half. If you are going to forgo exercise, then you will need to forgo nearly half of the calories that you are accustomed to eating. Try to eliminate calories from breads, sugars and sweet drinks like teas and colas while keeping high-protein foods like chicken, lean red meats and fresh fruits and vegetables.