How to Host a Weight Loss Contest
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Calculator
Get a group of friends or co-workers to start a weight-loss contest. Find out who is interested in losing weight with you. Ask them how they'd like the contest to be run and what rules would make them join. Make sure they know it'll be a competition and there will be reward money!
Once you know how many people will be joining the contest, set an entrance fee. It can be anywhere from $25, $50 or more. This is a one-time fee you will pay to join the contest. Then decide how the winnings will be split up. You can reward the biggest weight loser or participants can get their money back when they lose a certain amount.
Pick a weekly weigh-in location and host. If it's at work, a weigh-in office or host can be chosen. If it's in your neighborhood, pick a house to weigh-in at and the host will keep track of the progress of each contestant.
Decide if you will measure progress each week by percentage of body weight lost, pounds lost, measurements or another method. You can track each contestant’s progress on paper or a computer spreadsheet (see Resources below).
Finish the contest within 10 to 12 weeks; any longer and too many lose interest or motivation. This is enough time to have significant weight loss. Host a final weigh-in where everyone must attend and a final winner will be announced.