How to Fast to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Healthy foods
- Scale
- Support system
Talk to your physician and get his or her opinion. You may even wish to visit a weight loss center or a dietitian. They can put together a detailed, individualized weight loss plan for you, recommending special foods and exercises to try.
Know your limits. If you have low blood sugar levels and tend to get dizzy without eating, it's best to fast wisely. Just because you've decided to fast, it doesn't mean you have to starve altogether. For example, you can fast after 3 p.m. each day.
Weigh yourself regularly. By weighing yourself on an accurate scale, you get to visually see the pounds dropping. This allows you to cut back on eating at certain times and to evaluate what is working for you.
Stay hydrated. If you're cutting out key food groups, at least drink enough water. It's important to stay hydrated in order to avoid dehydration.
Get enough vitamins and minerals. If this means taking a multivitamin and eating only fruit smoothies, then so be it. However, cutting out food altogether can be a dangerous weight loss plan.
Have self control. If you feel yourself slipping, remind yourself of why you're fasting. You either want to become healthier or look better physically. Both are important, and that hamburger is not worth your self esteem.