How to Lose Leg Weight Fast
Things You'll Need
- Tape measure
- Notebook
- Bicycle
Measure the circumference of your leg. Record this measurement in a notebook where you will keep your records.
Begin a diet. Start by cutting out high-calorie foods from your diet. By minimizing your calorie intake, you will cut the fuel to your leg fat. The minimum daily caloric intake recommendations vary for men and women according to height and weight, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Stretch out daily, particularly your leg muscles. This helps bring blood flow to the muscles, which allows them to become more flexible without building up bulk. Focus on stretching your quadriceps, on the front of your thigh, and your hamstrings. Do not overstretch, however, as this could damage your muscles. Stretching your hamstrings and quadriceps once a day for 10 minutes should be enough.
Plan daily aerobic exercises. Cardio exercise burns calories but seldom bulks up muscles. Sprints, jogs, walks or running are options to get your heart rate up.
Bicycle to work or to errands. Bicycling is an aerobic exercise that will burn calories and slightly slenderize your legs. By substituting car driving with bike riding, you will quickly see results.
Regularly re-measure your legs, preferably once a week. Record each week's circumference measurement and see if there are noticeable results. If there are, continue your exercise and diet regimen. If not, cut back on some exercise and diet more. The exercise may have added weight through new muscle.