How to Lose Big Fat Belly
Want to learn how to get rid of the big fat stomach that hangs over your belt?
You have a big belly because you eat too much of the bad foods and you do not exercise.
Now is the time to change this awful pattern. The Big Fat Belly has to go.
**Do stomach crunches**
You have to do 1,000 crunches or sit ups every day to lose the big fat belly. Forget about all those machines you see on TV. They do not work and they are all a waste of money. Save your money for gas and to pay for quality, healthy foods. Acknowledge that the big fat belly has to go.
**Start with 10 per day**
Start trying to do ten sit ups today. Just ten --- it's really not that hard. Then twenty, then fifty and then one hundred. Then two hundred, three hundred, five hundred and so on until you can do one thousand sit ups. Try doing it at work if you have an office. Feel the big fat belly burning away while you are working hard. I do sit ups in my office at lunch with the door closed. Burn, baby, burn the fat away.
**Change your eating and drinking habits**
Now for the hard part. Stop drinking soda and eating unhealthy snacks. Drink water and eat fruits and vegetables. After two weeks you will feel a big difference. The opposite sex will start checking your abs out and checking you out. Start with ten sit ups. Just ten sit ups and you will be on your way to a flatter stomach. Behave and act like someone who is tired of being fat. Work out everyday and your big fat belly will get smaller. Get it done and get rid of the big fat belly.