How to Do a Lat Pull with Exercise Bands
Variation One
Stand with feet hips-width apart and knees slightly bent, or sit upright on a stability ball. Practice good posture with the spine aligned, shoulders back and head up.
Grasp the band at each end and raise your arms above your head, keeping the hands a little further than shoulder-width apart.
Look at the band and adjust your grip so that there is no slack in the band at this resting position. The band should be taut, but not fully stretched out. The closer the hands are to one another when grasping the band, the harder the exercise will be.
Exhale as you pull one arm down, your hand coming to your shoulder and your elbow squeezing into your side. The squeezing of the elbows results in tension in the Lats.
Inhale as you return your arm back up over your head to the starting position. Readjust your grip if you need to change the amount of tension in the band.
Repeat the movement eight to 12 times on each side. Complete two or three sets of the exercise. Take time to stretch your back after you have completed the sets.
Variation Two
Wrap the band around a stationary object located over head such as a cross-over machine at the gym or a stable bar.
Sit or stand under the object, raise your hands over your head and grasp the band at each end. The band should be taut, but not fully stretched out.
Exhale as you pull both arms down, hands coming to your shoulders and elbows squeezing into your sides. Envision squeezing a pencil between your shoulder blades as you pull your elbows in.
Inhale and return your arms back up over your head to the starting position. Readjust your grip if necessary.
Repeat the exercise eight to 12 times and complete two or three sets. Take time to stretch your back after you have completed the sets.
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