How to Burn Calories Without Breaking a Sweat

Everyone is looking for ways to burn extra calories everyday in an effort to lose weight. The usual route to do this to head to the gym and end up dripping with sweat. Yes, you will burn calories this way. But you do not need to break a sweat to burn calories. Follow these simple steps to burn calories without breaking a sweat.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 bottle green tea
  • 1 pack of sugar free gum
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  1. Burn Some Calories

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      Start your day by drinking green tea. Drinking caffeine will increase your body's metabolism and will help you burn more calories throughout the day.

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      Fidget while you are doing your daily chores. Every little movement of your body burns calories. Fidgeting will burn many calories over the course of an 8 hour day.

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      Pop a piece of sugar free gum in your mouth after lunch time. Chewing and swallowing will burn more calories then just letting your lunch digest.

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      Drink more green tea around mid day; this will increase your metabolism one final time and assist you in burning more calories through the remainder of your day.

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