How to Cardio Circuit Train
Things You'll Need
- Cardio Machines
- Jump Rope
Divide your work out into 6 segments. Take your typical time spent doing cardio and split it into 6 segments. For this example we will say that your normal work out lasts 45 minutes.
Start on the treadmill. Warm up for about 10 minutes at a walking or leisurely jogging pace. This will help to warm up your muscles and get you ready for the work out ahead.
Move to the jump rope. Jump rope for about 5 minutes to get your heart rate going.
Move to the elliptical. Stay on the elliptical for about 20 minutes. Vary your intensity while riding. Start with 2 minutes of regular intensity, followed by 1 minute of high intensity workout, followed again by 2 minutes of regular intensity
Move back to the jump rope. Jump rope for another 5 minutes trying to keep your heart rate up.
Move back to the treadmill. End your session with 5 minutes more on the treadmill at a leisurely pace to cool your muscles back down, and prevent cramping once you have finished your work out.