How to Drop a Dress Size in Less Than 2 Weeks
Determine how many calories you need per day. Don't eat more calories than you can burn (see Resources).
Plan a diet to include vegetables, fruit, whole-grain foods, fish and lean meat. Eat fish twice a week, and replace poor diet choices with more fresh fruits and vegetables for better results.
Trim fat off meat and skin off poultry. This makes your meat healthier, so you don't have to cut it out of your diet.
Cut back on sugar and alcohol. Sweets can be a big dieting saboteur, so the less you consume, the quicker you'll see results.
Avoid trans fat found in partially hydrogenated oils. Olive oil and canola are healthy oils.
Use fat-free or low-fat dairy products. This includes low-fat cottage cheese, reduced fat sour cream, skim milk and cheeses made with skim milk, and nonfat or at least low-fat yogurts.
Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. You can do it in 10-minute intervals for those short on time.