How to Compare the Hacker's Diet to Other Diets
Consider the target audience. The Hacker's Diet, complete with complex spreadsheets, was designed by John Walker. He created this diet for computer programmers and engineers who view spreadsheets as an addictive motivational tool. Many other diets use graphs but, the Hacker's Diet graphs require that you read and understand a lengthy set of instructions to use the graphs and understand the calculated results.
Think about the fluctuating exercise required. The exercise required on the Hacker's Diet depends entirely on your daily weight loss. By using a Hacker's Diet online tracker, you can see if your exercise was effective for any particular day by viewing a chart. Many other diets offer a structured exercise program.
Factor in the time required to successfully follow the program. On the Hacker's Diet, you have to weigh yourself daily and calculate your exercise rung. Both of these take time. That time is in addition to your exercise and food preparation time. Some other diets have you weigh yourself less frequently and simply write down the type and length of exercise you do daily.
Talk to your doctor about the Hacker's Diet. This diet was founded by the creator of AutoDesk. He is a computer programmer, not a medical professional.