How to Use the Hacker's Diet Tracker
Sign up for a Hacker's Diet tracker online account. You can find a link to the sign in page in the Resources section. Make sure that you enter a valid email address. The sign up process requires that you confirm your email address before you can successfully sign in.
Enter your weight every day. This is very important because if you skip a day, your results for the month will be slightly off. The Hacker's Diet uses a method called stone weight to determine your actual weight loss. According to the program, the stone weight method takes into account water weight loss and doesn't figure that weight loss into your weight loss total.
Determine your exercise rung for the day and enter it daily. There is a chart at the bottom of the tracker that will help you to determine the exercise rung. You simply find the exercises that you did on that day. Find the number of repetitions and the corresponding rung is the rung that you did for that exercise. If you find that your exercise rung is different for each exercise, you should enter an average rung number to get an accurate reading.
Get motivated by your tracker results. If you lost weight, let that motivate you to continue your program. If you gained weight, that should motivate you to work harder and eat smarter.