How to Lose 14 Pounds in 2 Months
Consume low-energy and low-dense foods such as salads, vegetables and fresh fruits. Low-density foods contain no preservatives and are low in calories, which means they can be consumed in high volumes while minimizing weight gain. Eliminate or moderate your intake of foods that are concentrated like sweets, meats and cheeses. By cutting down your calories by 500 every day, you can burn approximately 8.5 pounds of fat in a two month period.
Drink 64 ounces of water daily, which is equivalent to eight glasses of water each day. If you drink less, your body will attempt to hang on to all the liquid that it can absorb and can result in water retention. The consequences of water retention include bloating of the hands, feet and face. According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, your body will eliminate 95 more calories a day from drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day, which equates to 1.6 pounds of body fat in two months.
Create an exercise program. Find a good starting point for a workout and increase your calorie-burn levels with each session. Begin by exercising at a moderate level for at least one hour each day and increase the pace or the amount of miles walked. Walking an equivalent of 3.5 miles per hour will burn about 320 calories.
Be more active in performing chores and playing with your children. According to the Calories Per Hour website, an hour of playing with your children will burn approximately 270 calories, and you can burn 200 calories an hour by doing ordinary housework. Whether you are exercising or just being more active in your everyday life, if you burn approximately 250 calories a day, you can lose about 4.2 pounds in two months.