How to Do the Body for Life Diet as a Vegetarian
Decide that the program is right for you and buy the journal that goes alongside the book. The journal can be used independently if you've been schooled on the basics of the program! It contains a lot of information in and of itself.
Take a "before" picture. That is used in a lot of program, but you definitely want to make a point of it for this one. They have contests based on who loses weight on their program. You don't want to miss out. I've enclosed a link at the bottom of the page to their typical "before" and "after" pictures so you can see the sort of photograph that they desire for your "before" picture.
Go shopping at your favorite super market or health food store. You'll need to get the appropriate foods for the meals on the plan. The basic meals require one serving of each: a complex carbohydrate, a protein and a vegetable. Unsaturated oils are required in two meals per day as well. Keep in mind when shopping that one true serving is the size of a fist or a deck of cards. You don't want to buy too much, if it will spoil. Given the new way to measure portion control with the program, you may want to re-think the bulk food that you purchase!
Choose your vegan proteins first! You can plan the rest of your meals around them. The program suggests healthy vegetarian proteins such as seitan, tofu, tempeh, texturized vegetable protein, and veggie burgers. Morningstar Farms brand has a great selection of frozen vegetarian protein foods, as does Tofurky and Lightlife. By experimenting and trying different things, you'll find the ones that work for you.
Buy snacks for the program as well. EAS Body For Life offers an amazing nutrition drink that comes in chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry. With minimum calories and fat, this packs in all your vitamins. It's easily found in grocery stores, as well as drug stores. You should make sure any snacks you buy are sold in single portion sizes when possible. This takes the pressure off thinking about portions, as well keeps the food fresher for longer amounts of time!
Don't forget to buy everything for a balanced meal. One portion of complex carbohydrates is needed with your meal. Some examples of complex carbohydrates that are allowed are steamed wild rice, beans, oatmeal, pasta, corn, melon, strawberries, and apples, among lots of other options.Stopping for vegetables and an unsaturated oil (avocado can be used for this even) is also necessary!
Pay close attention to portion sizes with this program. While they don't require you measuring or counting your food into specifics, they do require you have one portion of each item with a meal. Portions need to be tended to by sight, and not skipped or neglected. Some have slipped up because the portion control is not an exact science on this program. You are comparing it to a certain object: the size of your fist. It is better in the long run as it teaches you practical control!
Prepare to drink ten glasses of water per day on the Body For Life diet!
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