How to Get Your Diet Back on Track
Think about what caused you to slip up on your diet. Maybe you had a rough day at work or a spat with your spouse and reached for some comfort food. Perhaps you were out with friends and decided you deserved some "normal food." Once you determine why the slip-up occured, you can plan for and avoid similar pitfalls.
Don't see one mistake as a reason to throw in the towel. A baby doesn't quit trying to walk just because she falls once. Get up, learn from it and keep going.
Add new habits gradually rather than trying to change everything at once. If you feel overwhelmed, you are less likely to follow through. Once you have mastered a new healthy habit, such as drinking plenty of water, add a new one.
Write in your diary. For one week, log every morsel of food that goes into your mouth. This will help you spot foods and times of day that are more difficult, as well as help you stay accountable.
Reward yourself for a week, a day, even a meal on track. Buy yourself something nice, like a new item of clothing, or treat yourself to a luxurious bubble bath. Just make sure you don't reward yourself with food!