How to Train Like Kathy Griffin
Eat right. Kathy Griffin swears by Chefs Diet meals. Chefs Diet provides subscribers with fresh, healthy, gourmet meals tailored to their specific dietary and weight loss needs. She also drinks a lot of water, sometimes adding Zipfizz, a sugar-free, energy boosting powdered mix.
Hire a personal trainer. Griffin works out with her trainer, Bobby Solorio, at least three times per week. If you can't afford to work out with a top fitness guru, join a gym and enlist the services of its moderately priced exercise experts.
Control food intake. Kathy lost 17 pounds through a combination of exercise and diet modification. A self-proclaimed junk food junkie, Griffin replaced candy and snack cakes with vegetables and whole grains. Her protein-rich diet consists of six small meals per day, which quells her hunger and regulates her metabolism.
Work your entire body. Kathy's trainer emphasizes the importance of incorporating strength training, flexibility training and cardio exercises into your workout program. A well-rounded routine builds muscle and endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system and promotes weight loss.
Put pressure on yourself with challenging goals. Determined to get in shape, Kathy told Star Magazine about her intention to lose 10 pounds in 40 days. In the glare of the media spotlight, Griffin rose to the occasion, losing 7 pounds more than her initial goal.