How to Lose Weight as a Kid
Talk to your parents. If they are overweight, chances are they're already aware of the problems you're experiencing. Let them know that you are not happy with your current weight and ask them to provide healthy, low-calorie alternatives in your diet.
Turn off the television. It's easy to grab a handful of cookies after school and plop down in front of the TV while you snack. Instead, choose a nutritious treat, a few carrots or celery sticks, eat them at the table, then do something constructive until dinnertime.
Go outside every chance you get. Unless the weather is really bad, there is always something to do outdoors. Take your dog for a walk around the block, help your mom in the garden or ask dad if there are any chores he wants completed.
Sign up for a sport. You may be overweight now but if you procrastinate until you're thin, you may never get the chance to try out. Even if you don't make the team this season, you will be establishing positive physical fitness goals that will benefit you in your quest to lose weight.
See you family doctor before you begin a strict diet or exercise program. A physician can rule out a medical cause for your obesity and make sure you are physically able to take part in a sport. If you go to public school, you will be required to have a doctor's permission to participate.
Eat slowly. It takes your stomach up to 20 minutes to recognize that it's full and signal your brain to quit eating. When you eat quickly, you may overeat. In addition, eat the low-calorie food on your plate first. Try chewing every mouthful 20 times to prevent gulping down your food.
Love yourself. A person's true worth comes from what is inside, not by what his or her body looks like. Although it may be difficult to smile when other kids tease you, remember that their actions do not determine your value. Sit down and think about all the talents you possess.