How to Lose Weight as a Teenager
Consult a BMI (Body Mass Index) chart. Don't let others tell you what you should weigh. Find out if you are indeed overweight.
Eat better instead of eating less. Lean meats, steamed vegetables, whole wheat grains and fresh fruit usually are lower in calories than greasy fried foods and sugary desserts. It is more important to be healthy than just skinny.
Consume more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Instead of piling mashed potatoes or pasta on your plate, fill it with meat and vegetables and serve yourself limited carbs. Good carbs should never compose more than a third of your calories.
Add rather than subtract. Eat a small salad with vinegar and oil or have a cup of soup before meals. Eat a piece of fruit between lunch and dinner when you need a snack. Drink more water. These low calories items will fill you and make you less hungry for fattier foods.
Exercise. If you're a typical teen, you don't get enough. Exercise will build muscles, which not only look better than fat but burn more calories.
Stick to regular mealtimes instead of waiting until you're hungry and then grabbing whatever is at hand. Don't frequent the drive-thrus with your friends, especially late at night as late-night eating is hard on your weight and your overall health.
Got to bed hungry. You'll lose a little weight while you sleep and you'll be ready for a big breakfast in the morning, which will help you in your weight loss efforts.