How to Eat Out While on the Ornish Diet
Choose restaurants with a selection of vegetarian items on the menu. This will make your choices easier.
Know that you can eat unlimited beans and legumes, vegetables, fruits and grains. You can also eat fat-free dairy products in moderation. Meats, oils, nuts, sugar and alcohol are among the foods you need to avoid.
Look for foods that fall within the Ornish Diet restrictions. You can eat non-fat dairy products like milk and cheese sparingly. You need to avoid oil, butter or margarine though, so it's important to know exactly how the food is prepared.
Tell the server what your eating specifications are. They may have suggestions as to what's appropriate or what the chef is capable of making.
Display a wallet card to your server when eating out. Dr. Ornish provides people who attend his retreats a wallet card to show the chef. It explains that you can't eat animal products, added fat or caffeine.