How to Get Thin Like Kate Moss
Stop eating greasy foods. Although Kate Moss is naturally very thin, for a long time she would eat greasy and fried foods. Her diet started taking a toll on her skin, and she decided to eat healthier.
Eat a small and healthy breakfast. Most recently, Kate Moss has tried to rely on what she calls the "vibrancy diet" to keep her model looks. On this diet, she eats a piece of fruit, a yogurt with probiotics and a whole grain piece of toast for breakfast.
Stick to lean protein choices for lunch and dinner. To get thin like Kate Moss, you need to cut out fatty and fried foods as your entrees. Instead, eat grilled chicken and fish for lunch and dinner.
Accompany meals with lots of vegetables. To feel full and satisfied from a meal, Kate Moss eats large servings of veggies with each meal.
Snack on smoothie shakes. Blend together fruit smoothies instead of sugary sweets for your snack options.