How to Overcome a Plateau on the Zone Diet

It's frustrating. You've been following the Zone Diet to the "T." You've been losing and suddenly you've hit a plateau. It's normal for this to happen no matter what plan you're following. You're not alone. The key to getting over the plateau is to make small adjustments in your eating and exercise plans.


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      Write everything down in a food journal. This forces you to be honest with yourself and with the Zone Diet. This includes nibbling you may do when making dinner.

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      Decrease your carbohydrates slightly at each meal. Add in an extra teaspoon of monounsaturated fat. This will help control your insulin levels and keep your calories in check.

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      Talk to your doctor if you think your medications are raising your insulin levels. This could include blood pressure meds, hormone replacement therapy and steroids. You may need to supplement with fish oil.

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      Drink a lot of water. It's true that water will help your system flush our all toxins, give you a satisfied feeling and help you lose weight.

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      Decrease your carbohydrates slightly at each meal. Add in an extra teaspoon of monounsaturated fat. This will help control your insulin levels and keep your calories in check.

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      Change up your exercise routine. Sometimes plateaus can be blamed on your body getting too used to doing the same exercises and working the same muscles. Try cycling or an elliptical machine instead of walking on the treadmill, for instance.

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      Hire a trainer to get your butt in gear. Working with someone should motivate you to get to the gym and push yourself.

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