How to Eat Less and Lose Weight by Chewing More
Research a macrobiotic lifestyle. One of the major tenets of the macrobiotic life is to chew every bite of food 50 to 100 times. As saliva plays an important factor in the processing and breaking down of food, you need to allow your food to be covered in saliva. Chewing this much breaks the food down into basically mush, so your stomach has less to do and the energy from the food is more readily absorbed.
Resolve to actually taste your food. Chewing every mouthful 50 to 100 times means you clearly taste what you're putting into your body. Your brain will send pleasure or displeasure cues based on the quality of the food you ingest. If you do this, you'll automatically start moving away from unhealthy menu choices, because chemically processed or manufactured foods don't hold up well in the "chew test."
Commit to a specific period of time to try this lifestyle change and expect to see results. People naturally stop just shy of a breakthrough. Commit to chewing more to lose weight and eat less for at least two weeks, but preferably an entire month.
Check in and evaluate how the change has helped you and what has been difficult. Decide whether you want to continue when you've reached your commitment and make a new goal for both longevity and chews per bite.