How to Eat Fast Food and Still Lose Weight

Make no mistake, you read that correctly: It's possible to eat fast food every day and still lose weight. This isn't by getting healthy salads and baked potatoes with a bottled water either. No, this is about ordering greasy burgers, french fries and big sodas, then watching the body shrink in the process.


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      Have the right mindset. Seriously, if you don't have the right mindset and can't stick to a routine, guess what? It won't work. This is why many people fail at losing weight even when eating healthy food. Don't be that person!

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      No more bedtime blues. If you eat fast food before bed, you won't lose weight, but instead gain it. This is the common sense part, so make sure their is a cutoff time like 7 p.m. or 8 p.m.

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      Don't go overboard. There are many people out there that order a lot more fast food than they need in one sitting. Ordering a small burger, small fry and small soda is a great place to start, but you need to do it every time you go, not just once in a while.

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      Start a fast food diet. Sounds funny right? This just means you don't have to eat fast food all the time or even as much as you do. Make it a routine to eat 3 or 4 times a week. Then read the tips below.

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      Exercise, exercise, exercise! Yep, this is where you say, "I knew it, we have to exercise." The question is; Why? You can make time if you want to, just like you make time to shop, see a movie, and hang out with friends and family.

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