How to Eat Fast Food and Still Lose Weight
Have the right mindset. Seriously, if you don't have the right mindset and can't stick to a routine, guess what? It won't work. This is why many people fail at losing weight even when eating healthy food. Don't be that person!
No more bedtime blues. If you eat fast food before bed, you won't lose weight, but instead gain it. This is the common sense part, so make sure their is a cutoff time like 7 p.m. or 8 p.m.
Don't go overboard. There are many people out there that order a lot more fast food than they need in one sitting. Ordering a small burger, small fry and small soda is a great place to start, but you need to do it every time you go, not just once in a while.
Start a fast food diet. Sounds funny right? This just means you don't have to eat fast food all the time or even as much as you do. Make it a routine to eat 3 or 4 times a week. Then read the tips below.
Exercise, exercise, exercise! Yep, this is where you say, "I knew it, we have to exercise." The question is; Why? You can make time if you want to, just like you make time to shop, see a movie, and hang out with friends and family.