How to Lose Weight With the 7-Day Diet
Start the diet by eating as much fruit as you want. On the first day of the diet, eat fruit and fruit juices all day. The only type of fruit that you can't have is bananas.
Eat vegetables and soup with vegetables on the second day of the diet. On the third day, you can enjoy vegetables and fruit for the entire day.
Buy a bunch of bananas for the fourth day of the diet. Consume five bananas over the course of the day and five glasses of milk and nothing else except water.
Finish the week with meat and vegetables. For the rest of the 7 Day Diet, you can eat four pieces of meat and limitless green vegetables each day. The meat source can be chicken, beef or fish and should weigh no more than 3 ounces a piece.
Expect to experience significant weight loss. Since you are limiting your caloric intake, dieters find that they can lose more than 10 pounds following this diet.