How to Overcome Weight Loss Setbacks
Devise a strategy. Don't plan to fail, but rather make a plan for success. Be honest about your weight loss setbacks. Perhaps they're was caused be stress, or maybe you're an emotional eater. Identify triggers and try to avoid them.
Forgive yourself. If you do slip up, you can't waste time beating yourself up over it. If you fell off the wagon for a day or a few days know that it's okay. Just start over with the attitude of succeeding. Be kind to yourself, otherwise you may just give up completely and give in to your unhealthy way of living. Remember that each new day is a new beginning.
Revise your goals. Make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic. One to two pounds a week is excellent progress.
Avoid risky temptations until you are strong enough to handle it. Don't keep chips, soda, cookies and other unhealthy foods around knowing that you could cave in. Avoid them completely at all costs to minimize the chances of weight loss setbacks.
Exercise more to help overcome weight loss setbacks and kick start your metabolism. If you've reach a plateau, increasing your activity or including weight-bearing exercises will help get you back on track, and you'll gain all the added benefits of exercise as well.