How to Compare Diet Pills
Fat Blockers
Take a fat blocker to prevent your body from absorbing all the fat you consume. These blockers travel through your digestive system and carry six to ten times their weight in fat out of your body. Fat blockers are easy to use since you don't have to change your diet in any way to see weight loss.
Experience fewer side effects with fat blockers than with other diet pills. The longer you take these pills, the better-accustomed your body becomes to them, resulting in a decrease in gas, cramping and diarrhea caused by the fat blockers.
Supplement your diet with a multivitamin when you take a fat blocker. These diet pills can remove valuable vitamins from your system along with the fat. You should take a multivitamin about 2 hours before or after you take your fat blocker.
Appetite Suppressants
Use appetite suppressants to increase the chemicals in your brain that make you feel full. This full feeling causes you to stop eating as much as usual, resulting in weight loss. This type of diet pill is recommended for short term use only.
Be aware of the side effects associated with appetite suppressants. Side effects can range from dry mouth to dizziness to increased heart rate and lightheadedness. Discuss any side effects you experience with your physician.
Choose between prescription appetite suppressants and those you can buy over-the-counter. Most prescription diet pills are addictive and must be prescribed following strict guidelines. Over-the-counter appetite suppressants should be authorized by your doctor to ensure you use an effective diet pill that doesn't cause harmful side effects.
Fat Burners
Rid yourself of fat stored in your body with fat burners. These diet pills raise your metabolism to a level that increases the amount of fat your body burns. You may find that you consume more food, but you should be able to compensate for the extra calories with your increased metabolism.
Ensure that your fat burner diet pill is Ephedra-free. This supplement has been partially banned due to its connection to heart valve damage. Other natural substances such as caffeine and Ginseng have replaced Ephedra in fat burners.
Note that side effects of fat burners simulate the effects of too much caffeine. You may feel jittery and nervous and you may experience headaches. Check with your doctor about recommendations for an appropriate fat burner diet pill.