How to Reduce BMI
Eliminate your intake of dairy and use lower-fat versions. Drinking skim or 1 percent milk rather than whole milk will cut your calories with little change in your lifestyle.
Eat lean cuts of meat. If you do eat fatty meats, such as ground beef, be sure to rinse them after browning to cut out some of the fat. Stick to skinless chicken and fish. Or, choose to go vegetarian a couple of nights a week to reduce fat.
Exercise regularly. Though exercise may increase your overall weight if you develop a great deal of muscle mass, it will help you to burn fat faster by giving your metabolism a boost.
Cut out soft drinks and other drinks with calories. Stick with water whenever possible.
Eat whole grains. These grains--wheat, oats and barley--are excellent for providing you with fiber, which assists in digestion and weight loss, and they are tasty as well. Begin by substituting one food at a time, such as whole wheat bread for white bread, until you're eating whole grains as often as possible.