How to Lose 5 Pounds of Fat in Two Weeks
Things You'll Need
- Dumbbells
- Stability ball
- Jump rope
- mp3 player or cd of your favorite music
- Good athletic shoes
- 15-30 minutes 4 times a week.
- Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide
- 1 Circuit Training workout and 1 interval cardio workout from my site (link in profile).
Weigh yourself and measure your body fat with a bodyfat scale. Record the number and your goal weight and stick it to the fridge.
Flip through the abs diet book and pick 1-2 smoothies to drink, 3-4 types of snacks you like, 2-3 types of foods to eat out, and 3-4 types of dinners you can cook for the next two weeks. Make a list of what you need for one week of meals and go grocery shopping.
Plan to eat 2 small meals, 2 smoothies, plus one snack each day. Grab a piece of paper and quickly write down what times you will be eating what foods. List the foods you will actually eat. This only takes 5 minutes and planning is key when it comes to eating for fat loss and weight loss.
Find 3 days a week when you can do 30 minutes of fat burning circuit training in your home and 1 day a week when you can do 15 minutes of fat burning cardio outdoors. Find the time or steal it from some other useless activity like t.v. watching. Schedule your workouts into your schedule (this is crucial so do not skip this step).
Get free fatloss workouts at: -
Start your abs diet plan and your workouts on a no pressure day like Saturday or Sunday. Take it one day at a time and be consistent. Reward yourself at the end of the week with something other than food or booze.
Go back to the grocery store and stock up for week two. Use the same foods as week one to simplify or switch out one or two meals for variety. Resist the urge to weight yourself. After your two weeks weigh yourself and measure your body fat.