How to Compare NutriSystem With Weight Watchers
Note that the Nutrisystem program is an online program of dietary guidelines and support. Pre-packaged meals are purchased separately, which you supplement with fresh fruits and vegetables. This takes the calorie counting out of dieting and makes the program easy to follow.
Count on support from Nutrisystem, either online or via telephone. There are no meetings or public weigh-ins, which some people find intimidating. There is no additional fee for counseling; in fact, there is no membership fee at all with Nutrisystem. The only cost is the cost of the meals, which is about $300 a month.
Realize that you won't learn much about preparing your own healthy meals by following the Nutrisystem diet plan. Unless you plan to eat Nutrisystem meals indefinitely, the program doesn't do much to transition you to preparing your own meals and making healthy choices.
Remember that even if you pay extra to order specific meals, as opposed to letting Nutrisystem choose your meals, they have the right to substitute meals if their inventory is low on what you requested. Some users have reported that up to 30 percent of their order was substituted for meals they found unappetizing.
Weight Watchers
Know that the Weight Watchers program helps participants become more aware of their caloric intake and output. No food is restricted, but higher calorie foods have a higher point value. The system is based on their "Four Pillars," which are behavior, food, support and exercise. Each is equally important.
Understand the points system, which assigns a value to each food you eat based on serving size, calories, fat grams and fiber content. Exercise is counted as a negative number. You are assigned a range of points you should eat per day, based on your current weight, your goal is to stay under a certain points total each week.
Gain support through weekly meetings where everyone weighs in and then attends a group meeting. Even if you don't lose any weight one week, being around those who share your goal can give you the motivation to continue with the plan.
Familiarize yourself with information available in restaurants and online to help you stick with the plan. There are restaurants that provide the Weight Watchers points value for several meals. Websites with the points value for menu items for hundreds of restaurants are available online. This makes dining out and sticking to the plan easier.
Be aware that there is an initial membership fee when you join Weight Watchers and a weekly fee when you attend meetings, which both vary by area. Promotions are run periodically which reduce the membership fee.
Consider the fact that Weight Watchers teaches you to recognize proper portion sizes and to make wise food choices as a key to long-term success. Shopping for and preparing your own food also makes the program more economical. However, some find that Points System confusing, and that the meetings may be too competitive for sensitive dieters.