How to Use Volumetrics Recipes
Things You'll Need
- The Volumetrics Eating Plan, by Barbara Rolls, Ph.D
Begin to Use Volumetrics Recipes
Select 6 to 10 meals from "The Volumetrics Eating Plan" for your first week using the book's recipes and shop accordingly.
Plan to keep leftovers of some of these meals or to downsize the recipe ingredients, depending on the number of people you will be serving and your kitchen's ability to accommodate leftovers.
Follow the food selection principles in the first two chapters of "The Volumetrics Eating Plan" to select foods to fill out the other 10 to 15 meals during your first week, including some quick preparation meals.
Annotate your book's recipes with post-it notes or marginalia to maintain notes on recipes that were favorites with you and others in your household, as well as those that were easier or more difficult to prepare.
Continue to add in Volumetrics recipes as you proceed with the Volumetrics Eating Plan.
Transform Other Favorite Recipes Into Volumetric Recipes
Peruse your favorite cookbooks and recipe files to find old favorites that may be adaptable to the principles of Volumetrics.
Make small changes in other recipes to lower their energy density with steps such as removing skin, lowering the amounts of oil or dairy in a recipe's ingredients, adding vegetables and making substitutions such as egg whites for whole eggs or non-fat sour cream for fattier dairy products.
Record adaptations that you make in other recipes with notes that you keep with the original recipes.
Develop your own low-energy-density recipes based on some of your favorite foods as you become experienced in working with the basic principles of Volumetrics food selection.