How to Lose Weight on the Biggest Loser Diet
Eat many whole foods. Whole foods are foods that have not been processed. Whole foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables that have not been chemically modified.
Reduce your number of calories. The Biggest Loser Diet is a reduced calorie eating plan. The fewer calories you eat, the more weight you lose. However, you need to take in at least 1200 calories a day.
Eliminate foods that have trans fat. Trans fatty foods can ruin any diet and are found in junk foods and fast food menu options.
Decrease the number of foods that you eat that contain sugar and white flour. Foods with these ingredients also cause you to gain weight. Instead, consume lean protein, fruits and vegetables.
Opt for lower fat dairy options. Yogurts, cheese and milk should either be a low-fat or non-fat versions.
Drink low calorie beverages. You can have water, diet soda, diet iced teas and flavored waters while following the Biggest Loser Diet.