How to Lose Weight on the Five Factor Diet
Eat 5 small meals a day. You should eat throughout the day to avoid overeating at three set mealtimes.
Add low fat protein to each of your meals. The basic protein in each of your meals should be some type of chicken, fish or turkey.
Include whole grain carbohydrates in your menu. The Five Factor Diet is not a carbohydrate-free eating plan. You should add complex carbohydrates to each meal.
Consume a lot of fiber. You get a lot of your fiber requirements from the whole grain breads, fruits and vegetables that you eat while following the Five Factor Diet.
Substitute healthy fats for oils and butter. Replace the traditional fats that you use to cook your meals with healthier options such as olive oil.
Eliminate the sugar from your diet. People traditionally overindulge in sugars by drinking high sugar beverages, such as regular soda. Opt for a sugar-free drink at meals instead.