How to Lose Weight by Counting Calories
Things You'll Need
- internet
- basic math knowledge
- notebook and pen
- calculator
Decide how many calories you are going to consume for the day. This will depend on several factors, such as how quickly you would like to lose weight and how many calories you are burning through physical activity. In general, women should not consume fewer than 1200 calories per day and men should not consume fewer than 1800 calories per day.
Write out your meal plan for the next week. You can always tweak it later if necessary, however, it's good to have a basic plan to start with. Plan to have at least three meals and two snacks. Feeling deprived of food will make losing weight much more difficult. Make sure you are getting enough of each food group, especially fat and protein, which will help to keep you feeling full and satiated.
Use a journal, spreadsheet or other planner of your choice to track your daily intake. Remember to keep track of any extra snacks and beverages, including sodas and juice.
Write down the portion size you consume at each meal and snack. Measure or weigh your food when possible to get an exact calorie count. For packaged items, refer to the food's nutrition label. You may also consider investing in a calorie counting manual for caloric information.
Calculate your total caloric intake at the end of each day. Try to space your caloric consumption evenly throughout the day.