How to Lose Weight on the Ultimate New York Diet
Start on the first phase of the diet. The first phase is 2 weeks long and has you eliminate carbs and sugars from your diet. You are allowed to eat nuts, egg whites, lean protein and certain types of fish.
Add in several more foods on the second phase. You are permitted one serving a day of items like apples, beans and sweet potatoes on phase 2.
Maintain your weight loss with the lifelong phase. You are allowed to have some of the previously forbidden foods in moderation.
Limit your daily caloric intake. The hardest part of following The Ultimate New York Diet is that you can only have a small number of calories each day. For the first phase, you are limited to between 800 and 1000 calories while on the second phase, you only add in another 100 calories.
Follow the recipes provided in The Ultimate New York Diet book. To help you along with your diet, Kirsch provides recipes that you can make for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Expect to follow an intense exercise program. The author recommends an hour and one-half of cardio and weight training each day.