How to Lose Weight on the Abs Diet
Find out about the Powerfoods. These foods are the main foods that you should be eating on the Abs Diet. The foods include nuts, beans, green vegetables and eggs. By eating these foods, you'll have energy and be able to increase your muscle mass.
Eat 6 meals a day. Zinczenko states that eating 6 small meals throughout the day will keep your energy level up and also stave off hunger cravings.
Drink smoothies. You should add your Powerfoods into delicious smoothies and use them as a meal substitute. Berries and dairy items are on the Powerfoods list and can be combined to make a smoothie.
Limit your fat and carbohydrate intake. Cut out the fatty foods and products high in carbs, like potatoes and bread.
Allow yourself a cheat meal. Once a week, reward yourself by not adhering to the dietary guidelines in the Abs Diet. The author states that this meal will actually boost your metabolism and you'll lose more weight.
Begin a circuit and weight training program. An intense exercise program is a key component of the Abs Diet.