How to Lose Weight on the Bob Greene Diet
Follow the 3 phases. Like many popular diets, Bob Greene's plan consists of the dieter completing phases. You will be on the first 2 phases for a minimum of 4 weeks and then have a lifelong maintenance phase.
Start slow on the first phase. The great thing about the Best Life Diet is that you are not required to completely eliminate all foods during the first phase. The first phase is more about designing a fitness plan that works for you and timing your meals so that you eat a balanced diet.
Stop eating unhealthy foods. The foods that you need to eliminate during the second phase includes soft drinks, margarine, vegetable shortening, fried foods, white bread, pasta and certain dairy products.
Go to phase 3 after you reach your goal weight. The maintenance phase will help you keep off the weight that you lost during the first 2 phases. You are allowed certain indulgent foods that you were not allowed at the start of the diet.
Remember to eat 3 meals a day and a snack. Breakfast is required and Bob Greene states that eating breakfast will actually rev up your metabolism.