How to Lose Weight on the Caveman Diet
Eliminate the processed foods from your diet. It is recommended that you don't eat foods that have been created or influenced by technology. Sugars, milk and breads are all off-limits on the Caveman Diet.
Consume a large amount of fruits and vegetables. Cavemen had access to natural fruits and vegetables. This food group should make up a large part of your diet.
Get your protein requirement from meat sources. A caveman diet consisted of mostly meat products. The amount of meat that you can eat is basically limitless; the author claims that he eats a pound of bacon every morning.
Follow a low-carb diet. The Caveman Diet has many of the same recommendations of a low-carb diet like the Atkins Diet. Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is said to reduce blood sugar levels.
Include a moderate exercise program. Daily exercise will help keep you healthy and lose more weight when following the diet.