How to Lose 2 Pounds in 1 Day
Count your calories for the day. Restrict yourself to no more than 1200 calories. This may sound slight, but with a little creative planning you can eat more food than you think. Focus on vegetables and put aside the meats. Fruits are okay in moderation, but they do have a lot of sugar, so be sure to check the calorie value before you eat it. Also, make sure to eat at least five times that day. That will give you five small meals of close to 250 calories. This will boost your metabolism.
Do an hour of cardio exercise. Running, cycling, swimming, anything that will raise your heart rate for an extended period. Be sure not to over-exercise, as you will not be eating enough calories to support more training that day.
Drink a lot of water. One of the keys on how to lose weight fast is to keep well hydrated. Drink at least 64 oz. of water throughout the day. It sounds like a lot, but if you drink 8 oz. on the hour for 8 hours, you will reach your goal. Not only will this suppress your appetite because your stomach will be full, but it will also flush excess sodium out of your body.
Hit the steam room. Make sure to sit in the steam room for no more than 20 minutes. This will help you lose a little water weight fast and expel impurities through your body's pores.