How to Lose Weight on the Hollywood Diet
Buy the Hollywood Diet juice. The juices can come in 16 or 32 oz. concentrate containers. You need enough to last you the day or two that you will be following the diet.
Mix 4 oz. of the concentrate with 4 oz. of water. The directions state that you should use bottled water, but tap water is also fine to use.
Drink the mixture slowly. You don't want to gulp down the juice in a few minutes. The Hollywood Diet drink is meant to be sipped over the course of several hours.
Make at least three other Hollywood Diet drinks over the day. You should drink a minimum of four of the drinks throughout the day. You can make additional servings if you desire it.
Consume plenty of water. You should increase the glasses of water that you drink while you follow the Hollywood Diet. Take in a minimum of eight glasses over the course of the day.
Take a multivitamin. Since you will only be relying on the Hollywood Diet to meet your nutritional needs during the day or two that you follow it, take a daily supplement to stay healthy.